Happy 2015!

First things first, a happy 2015 to all of you, may all your good intentions last longer than a week!
We hope you’re all as eager as we are, because 2015 is only 2 days old and already on it’s way to be our most exciting year yet!
We can’t wait to jump right in!

As you might have noticed the past few weeks, we unleashed De Warmste App to collect some coin for CPZ.
Although we feel it didn’t quit catch on the way it could have, we’re still happy and thankful that 372 cards have been sent.
€500 was collected and wired to CPZ.

We’re finishing up MyOpel and AutoCheck and we’re working on a bunch of great new projects as well.
Mighties for one, is a planning tool to get troubled souls back on track. We’re done designing and ready to code.

And to set this year off with a real bang:
Wim/Next Apps got nominated by Voka for Bryo Rookie Of The Year!
More on this later on.

Like we said: we can’t wait to jump right in!

Christophe & Wim